It has been our pleasure to produce a range of events in exciting locations around the globe. Whether it is an Executive retreat in the mountains, a Vegas music venue, a vast conference centre in the states, a hotel in Paris, a University in Austin or even the San Francisco Giants' stadium - we have it covered.
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Secret service....
Some of our events are C2C highly confidential analysts summits, executive briefings, and senior management planning sessions so Mum's the word..
Stellatus work alongside local talent (drawn from our international database) which ensures we not only field the best team for each event but also minimise travel costs and climate impact.
Our experience includes:
Designing, Staging and Directing analyst summits (in person and virtual)
Supporting CEO and Senior Team events
Modern Marketing Experience Events
Stockmarket Listing events at both the London and New York Stock Exchanges
Activations and brand awareness events
Evaluation of Virtual platforms to ensure best fit for virtual requirements